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Разработка, производство и поставки оборудования для инженерных систем
АДЛ Разработка, производство и поставки оборудования для инженерных систем
Товар добавлен в корзину:
БИВАЛ® Кран шаровой стальной КШТ.11.400.25 Ф/Ф Ду 400 Ру 25 с голым штоком
Всего товаров в корзине: 3
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ADL is a young and successful team of diverse specialists — engineers, logistics and marketing experts, accountants, employees of financial and legal services, HR and IT specialists, programmers, managers and many other team members.

We greatly appreciate professional and conscious approach to job duties, striving for development, caring and responsible attitude to the Company's values, traditions, experience and reputation. In return we offer employment in compliance with RF Labour Code, benefits and paid vacation, sustainable wages, comfortable environment for professional growth, corporate training programs, corporate events and sports festivals.

You are welcome to join our team to benefit from extended opportunities for professional and personal development!



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