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Разработка, производство и поставки оборудования для инженерных систем
АДЛ Разработка, производство и поставки оборудования для инженерных систем
Сервис, Склад
пн-пт: с 9:00 до 18:00
сб-вс: выходные дни
Товар добавлен в корзину:
БИВАЛ® Кран шаровой стальной КШТ.11.400.25 Ф/Ф Ду 400 Ру 25 с голым штоком
Всего товаров в корзине: 3
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For over 20 years ADL has been offering customers not only a unique range of products but also comprehensive engineering solutions for all applications from simple piping systems to complex control units and integrated automation projects.

Our qualified technical staff including the own design and engineering department ensures fast and high-quality selection of equipment by taking into account all peculiarities of your project. Moreover, the well-developed network of regional offices and service centers ensures first line support everywhere in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

The advantages of working with ADL:

  • state-of-the-art technology and regularly updated production range;
  • first line technical and project support;
  • possibility of individual production for a specific project;
  • system audit and prompt selection of suitable equipment and automation solutions;
  • 100% quality control and ability to test your hardware for internal reporting;
  • well-developed network of regional offices and service centers;
  • own warehouse complexes;
  • reliable logistics to any place of Russia and CIS countries.
During many years we have gained invaluable experience and a reputation of a reliable and responsible partner. As a proof of that we have thousands of customers who are satisfied with the quality of our services.
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