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Разработка, производство и поставки оборудования для инженерных систем
АДЛ Разработка, производство и поставки оборудования для инженерных систем
Сервис, Склад
пн-пт: с 9:00 до 18:00
сб-вс: выходные дни
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БИВАЛ® Кран шаровой стальной КШТ.11.400.25 Ф/Ф Ду 400 Ру 25 с голым штоком
Всего товаров в корзине: 3
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Service Policy

ADL accepts (considers) claims from customers relating to quality of products with regard to all equipment supplied by the company. The company incurs guarantee obligations for the sold products within 12 months since the day of sale or the date of equipment installation (no more than 18 months since the day of sale).

Service maintenance: service@adl.ru

Mandatory terms and conditions of the guarantee are as follows:

  • Compliance with operating conditions (according to the technical documents)
  • Absence of external damage to the equipment
  • Validity of the guarantee period for the equipment in accordance with the document-supported information on the date of purchase of the product.

1. Service Maintenance

Service maintenance is performed upon written request in accordance with the established form which the customer has to send to the ADL service centre by fax or e-mail.

Equipment may be sent to the ADL service centre in Moscow for examination/repair. In this case, it is necessary to fill in the request for this equipment in advance. No equipment is examined without request.

Transportation costs (to ADL warehouse and back) shall be paid by the customer.

Procedure for Consideration of Requests

A responsible officer of the service centre shall consider requests in the order they are received.

Should it be necessary to clarify the issue, a representative of ADL shall be entitled to request additional details from the customer.

Upon complete clarification of the issue, an employee of ADL shall offer decision options to the customer. If after implementation of the recommendation the problem cannot be solved at the site, it would be suggested that the customer should send the equipment to the nearest ADL service centre for technical inspection. After completion of the examination, a Certificate of Technical Inspection shall be executed. The term of technical inspection is ten (10) business days.

Payment by the Customer for the Service Maintenance

Expenses for service maintenance are paid by the customer in the following cases:

  • Equipment mentioned in the request is not covered by the guarantee (the guarantee period expired; there are no documents confirming guarantee; factory seals are broken; operating conditions are violated)
  • As a result of the technical inspection, it was found out that the problem was not caused by the defect of the equipment specified in the request.

2. Technical Inspection of Failed Equipment

Technical inspection of failed equipment must be performed upon receipt of the failed equipment by ADL service centre.

If in the course of inspection it is detected that the equipment failed due to the fault of the buyer, the customer shall pay for the performed inspection.

In specifically complex cases, ADL service centre may send the inspected equipment to the manufacturing plant to get its opinion.

3. Arrangement for Replacement of Failed Equipment

Replacement of equipment under guarantee

Failed equipment shall be delivered to ADL service centre with the original passport and copies of the following documents: invoice and waybill according to which it was purchased.

After the failed equipment was examined in the service centre, and it was established that the equipment has a mill defect and it is impossible to repair it, arrangement shall be made for delivery of new equipment to the customer.

Equipment delivery to/from the warehouse shall be arranged by the customer itself.

Replacement of equipment not covered by the guarantee

If cost of equipment repair is comparable to the cost of similar new equipment, a representative of ADL shall offer to the customer to buy new equipment or it shall select similar replacement.

4. Arrangement for Equipment Installation Supervision

ADL service centre performs installation supervision of the sold equipment.

For performance of installation supervision, the customer shall send (by fax or e-mail) a request for the required type of work including type of equipment to ADL service centre.

5. Training of the Company’s Customers in Operation and Service Maintenance of the Company Equipment

Training may be held in Moscow ADL office or in any other place at the customer’s option. In this case ADL service centre shall discuss with the customer creation of certain conditions for holding of the training.

All expenses for the training shall be paid by the customer.

5. Spare Parts Supply

ADL sells spare parts for equipment repair to the company’s customers and service partners for the full range of supplied equipment within at least 5 years after delivery of the equipment. If the equipment is out of production for more than 5 years, the service centre cannot guarantee supply of spare parts for this equipment.

6. ADL Service Centres in Russia

Complete list of service centres

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