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Разработка, производство и поставки оборудования для инженерных систем
АДЛ Разработка, производство и поставки оборудования для инженерных систем
Сервис, Склад
пн-пт: с 9:00 до 18:00
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Товар добавлен в корзину:
БИВАЛ® Кран шаровой стальной КШТ.11.400.25 Ф/Ф Ду 400 Ру 25 с голым штоком
Всего товаров в корзине: 3
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Log-Ist warehouse is a class A logistics complex at a site in Raduzhny settlement, the Kolomenskiy district, (M5 highway) total area of which amounts to 6.6 ha.
Supplies of mixed cargo
from abroad
Customs clearance
Safekeeping Forwarding services

Total area of the storage space amounts to 5,000 m2 and 17,200 m2, and capacity, up to 38,000 Euro pallets. Log-Ist warehouse has 5,000 m2 logistic site for operational storage and cross docking in the area located in close proximity to Moscow (Lytkarino) to ensure deliveries by low-capacity vehicles to customers in Moscow.

22 200 м2
Total area
38 000
Euro pallets capacity
A класс
type of the logistics complex
dock levelers and dock shelters for various vehicles
convenient exit from the highway


Since July 2013, Log-Ist acts as a logistics operator of the Federal Procurement Union (T3C System, CJSC, www.t3c.ru). More than 50 networks with the total number of outlets exceeding 1,800 and consolidated trade turnover operate within its framework. Dozens of companies from different fields are among our partners: logistics of automotive spare parts (SV-class, LLC; Auto Real Company, LLC), consumer goods (CDС, LLC (Procter&Gamble); Plaster, LLC; RusCo, LLC (Vorontsovskie Sukhariki)), etc.


  • Own vehicle fleet
  • Modern Solvo warehouse management system
  • Wide experience in integration with client systems

IT Platform

In autumn 2011, the management of Log-Ist decided to create a unified IT platform for all warehouses of the company. To this end, Solvo.WMS, an up-to-date platform, was chosen. Implementation of the system brought new customers to the warehouse. It is of the utmost importance for us to provide our customers with services at the highest level, and to continuously improve processes, and the system has all the features for this purpose (consolidated assembly of orders, sending (working with a tour rather than with each order separately), compression, ABC analysis and many other features).

Availability of current data at any time makes it possible for the warehouse manager to efficiently manage the work, and to reallocate human and technical resources depending on the situation. After implementation, it became possible for us to control the assembly of orders which enabled reduction in number of errors in shipped orders and had positive effect on the quality of customer service.

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