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Разработка, производство и поставки оборудования для инженерных систем
АДЛ Разработка, производство и поставки оборудования для инженерных систем
Сервис, Склад
пн-пт: с 9:00 до 18:00
сб-вс: выходные дни
Товар добавлен в корзину:
БИВАЛ® Кран шаровой стальной КШТ.11.400.25 Ф/Ф Ду 400 Ру 25 с голым штоком
Всего товаров в корзине: 3
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DEVELOPMENT, MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLY of solutions for engineering systems

ADL was founded in 1994. Since that time, we have worked a lot to offer you the best solutions and services: domestic state-of-the-art production facilities, company's own design office, efficient logistical solutions, prompt aftersales service, wide regional network and, certainly, sustainable high quality of products. Our mission is to work for contributing to successful implementation of your projects of any complexity and delivery of high-quality products services to millions of consumers.

23,000 m2
area of logistics facilities
in the Moscow region
own brands
16,000 m2
area of production facilities
in the Moscow region
89,000 tons
of products are supplied to customers
every month
of product units are produced
every year

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